Forest fires are devastating, but also, they are natures way of recycling the nutrients back to earth. I am not talking about the fires started by gross negligence of humans, but the ones that occur naturally when dry twigs and leaves ignite.
The fire consumes vegetation and all that is left over is ash and burnt matter . The area looks deserted and animals run off to safer places.
The next phase is the most interesting - the rebirth. Fresh new sprouts of life show up and blossom. Slowly the greens, yellows and reds return and a new cycle of life begins.
I took this photograph while trekking in Bandipur (near Bangalore). This photograph gives me a lot of inspiration.
This tiny yellow flower is standing tall among the ashes. It symbolizes the triumph of life over death, opportunity over failure, ambition over depression, courage over fear ...
The fire gave an opportunity to this flower to blossom and see the sun, otherwise overshadowed by tall grass. Every now and then, we come to a point in life where we see everything falling around us and we lose hope and courage. But we forget that the structures falling around us - which we feel were our greatest support may actually have been hiding rays of sunlight - opportunities that we were unable to see. Instead of looking at the ashes around us, we should look up and see the bright new sun appearing over the horizon!!