This photo was taken with my Motorola A1200 Mobile Phone Camera (2MP). So, is it worth the money and effort to get that wonderful expensive digital SLR?
The answer is yes - sorry, can't give all the credit to the photographer. With an average camera, you may get a good photo when the lighting and other conditions are wonderful, but to get good shots on a regular basis - you will need a powerful camera. Not to undermine the power of composition, understanding of the light/color/aperture/timing etc. which makes the person behind the lens a VIP, but a powerful tool gives you a better punch.
People these days are getting carried away with Mega Pixels and Zoom factors - these are required, but what is more important is the Camera's optics - the larger the lens, the better photographs you will get - and the more expensive the camera will be. But, before you decide to buy a camera - ask yourself - what will I use it for? If you want to click away your child's birthday parties - look for a camera which gives fast response and simple controls. On the other hand, if you want to drive to the wild and take WOW shots of the landscape, the flora and the fauna - then look for an SLR, or at least a camera with a large lens (large in Dia) and manual controls. And carry a tripod. Many shots require slower timings - anything less than 1/15 seconds will require a tripod for most people (I wouldn't argue on exceptions who can hold a camera steady at 1/4 seconds or less).