Monday, February 23, 2009

Longing to Escape

Disclaimer: The photos in this collage belong to me and are not borrowed from the internet.
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Friday, February 20, 2009

Glass box to Green box

This glass and concrete office building stand tall in Seoul, S. Korea.

Can we turn such ecological disasters (think of the reflected heat, cooling needs ...) into green buildings?
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Red Tail

This hairy red tail belongs to a plant and not an animal. I tried searching on the net to find the name, but Google wasn't forthcoming with the answer. Can anyone help?
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Prehistoric Monster

Crocodiles (family Crocodylidae) are believed to be 200 million years old. They walked the earth by the side of the great dinosaurs and survived the extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs (around 65 million years ago).
The crocodiles are great hunters and have virtually no threats in the wild. But now, this 200 million year old masterpiece of nature is facing extinction in the hands of man. Many species of Crocodylidae family, such as the Indian Gharial, are crtically extinct.
Photo: Crocodile in the Cauvery River, Mysore, India
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Insect eating plant from Indonesia

During my recent visit to Indonesia, I was fascinated by this plant. If you look closely (click on the photo to see full size), you will see that the fruit is covered by tentacles which have a poison tip. This gives out a fruity smell which attracts insects - the poor creatures die before reaching their destination, killed by the deadly poison, juices sucked dry by the carnivorous plant.
Oh my God!! Is this a dream? I haven't ever been to Indonesia and this photo is definitely in my Camera, so what the hell is going on?
Wake up! This weird looking fruit was hanging from a creeper in Indira Nagar, Bangalore at an unkempt park. This reinforced my belief that a photographer should carry a ready camera - all the time - maybe take it to dreams too :)
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